Chongqing Changan Automobile
Changan Automobile Group is one of the four major Chinese automobile company groups, and Chongqing Changan is one of its 3 listed entities. Chongqing Changan mainly develops, manufactures, and sells Changan brand mini cars, Changan Alto mini cars, and Changan Antelope sedans. The company also produces engines and gearboxes. It has 14 production sites and 33 factories for complete vehicles and key automobile components around the world.
Business Info
IndustryAutomotive Manufacturing
Place of ResidenceChina (incl. Hong Kong)
Market Cap - End of 2022 ($M) 15,550
2021 Revenue ($M)16,299
Rank of 2021 Revenue60
2021 Profit ($M)550
Rank of 2021 Profit75